Tips & Tricks

Inspyr - HTML Email Signature

Add Email Signature to iPhone or iPad

What you need: Your iPhone or iPad HTML signature file How to add your signature: Email the HTML file as an attachment to an email address on your iPhone or iPad. If we are designing your HTML email signature, we will email it to your specified email address. Open the email that contains the HTML file. Open the Attachment (tap on the attachment link) which should be located at the bottom of the email. Copy the entire email signature: long press the screen to bring up th
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Inspyr - HTML Email Signature

Add Email Signature to Windows Live

On the Signatures tab in Windows Live Options, you can create and modify custom signatures for your messages. How to add your signature Open Windows Live Mail In the upper-left corner, open the File menu, click Options, and then click Mail. Click the Signatures tab. Under Signatures, click New. Under Edit Signature, do one of the following: In the Text box, enter your signature. Click File, click Browse, select the text or HTML file that contains your signature, and then
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SEO - Search Engine Optimisation

Empower your web presence with the right keywords

Have you ever considered your business, products and services from your customers’ point of view? The most valuable customers are those hunting down a solution to a problem, so think about the problems that your products and services will help them solve. Puro’s Tip… Be specific & get descriptive. By adding plenty of keywords describing the benefits of your products and services, on top of broader terms that describe your industry or service area,
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